Saturday, June 17, 2006

Splashtastic ... or Bombs away.....

On the 2nd Monday of the month we have a craft/art club, in which we try out various different craft/art activities. Previously we have done clay work- making pots and nameplates and painting/drawing.
Well this last Monday the 12th, I thought as the weather was so lovely to do something outside. So I spent Sunday evening filling up waterbombs with paint, now if you have ever filled a waterbomb normally ie with water you will know it's not the easiest thing in the world to do. So filling them with paint is a bigger nightmare, if my brother hadn't have been working that night I'm sure I would have tried to con him into doing it for me, but there ya go he was working. Ok so after about 3hrs and coating my kitchen in vary shades of green, purple, blue, I worked out was using the wrong nozzle to fill them, so after changing the nozzle size I managed to do the white, yellow, orange and red without anymore kitchen colour changes. Tho' I must point out that testing them out in the bathroom is not so cool lol, it took ages to scrub the tiles and bath clean after coating them in green paint.

So after bombs all filled and bathroom and kitchen scrubbed clean, it was time for bed.

So to bring this story to an end we had great fun trying to get the bombs to work, we made some great patterns - tho' there appeared to be more paint on the children and the ground than the paper - and the children and adults had some good fun. Plus I learned a valuable lesson, that in the hands of lovely children paintbombs make a very tempting weapon.

Here's some of the patterns made:


Shirl said...

Very pretty pictures.... :~)

Did you get all the paint out of your clothes?

Thea said...

Yeah, just about paint free now a few blobs being a little stubborn, but will get them next time round.

thenewstead6 said...

You DID do this outside, didn't you?! I admire you for the mess - I'm not so good with "messy" play (though my kids are brilliant at it!). Looking forward to reading more of your blog. Ann

Thea said...

Yeah, we definately went outside lol..... don't think I'd be brave enough to do this inside.