Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Oh my goodness, we have Animal Crossing and I am addicted. I never wanted to be just thought would have a litle play and put it down lol. We only got the game on Monday, as Robynne and Andy decided to take some games to trade in. I knew she wanted AC:WW as she had liked when she borrowed from a friend, I was also vaguely aware of the game. But I never thought it would get me, but it has... I paid the mortgage off in less than two days. The only thing that is sad is I have no friends who play the game, mmmm maybe they are more sensible than me lol and knew of it's hidden attraction and kept away. Does anyone know of a support group for poor addicted people like me....... no oh well shall go back to it then.

On another note have gotten the next issue of our H.E mag "tHE Sound" all finished and will be sending that out on Friday. It felt a bit touch and go this time, as it was all finished and printed bar Robynne's comic strip which she left to the last minute, so she felt like I was rushing her. But as Andy told her 'if you had done when you were asked, you would have finished it then'....... So fingers crossed, we won't have the same problems next month.

Currently we are in the process of making stickers to go on every available item in the flat, with there Japanese names on. Not just in Japanese but also in Kanji as Robynne is learning Japanese and labelling the whole flat will help...... mmmmm can't see the cat enjoying a label on her back tho'. But thankfully we won't be goingthat far as Robynne already knows the name for cat, she - that's Robynne not the cat - found a really great downloadable resource and is using it for at the least an hour a day. Where did she get that from now.... will just check, it's one she found herself not one of the twenty odd that I found for her when she expressed an interest in learning Japanese. Ok here it is it's called Japanese learning Suite it does take over an hour to download, but I took a brief look at it today and found it very good.

Robynne is also now getting back into practising her guitar everyday and she has even agreed to work through her theory books too. Which I'm really pleased about. Then last night Robynne asks me if her bike works as she wants to get a little fitter and riding her bike would be fun. Funny that, we were going to get rid of her bike cause she didn't want it anymore, it's been sat on the balcony for over two years. She won't be riding it any time soon tho' as for one the inner tubes are shot and well it's too small for her. When I bought it I never expected her to sprout up like she has. The funny thing is have been saying for a while that we were all going to get new bikes and Robynne has point blank refused to have anything to do with one. So we shall see how long this lasts for.


JStressman said...

Are you on a slow connection or something?

You should be able to download it from the rapidshare link in 15 minutes or less.

Thea said...

Not a slow connection, just a slow day, had a few days were the comp was running slow it was something to do with our network provider.