Thursday, May 17, 2007

New members of the family & LA Report

Ok have been meaning to post pics of them for a while now so here goes.....

The Girls
Charlie & Sally

The Boys
Harry & Squeak

Harry, Squeak and Sally are all 5yrs, Charlie is 2yrs. Harry, Sally and Charlie are Standard Greys and Squeak is a Brown Velvet. Charlie is Harry and Sally's daughter.

Oops mustn't forget Sox, she's still not sure of the chinnys especially after they chased her round the living room the other day.... I would post a pic of the hammy but darn thing wouldn't stay put...

Oh and after our visit with the LA bod last Tuesday, we received our report from them in the post yesterday. I'm so so pleased our provision for Robynne has been deemed satisfactory and appropriate to her age and abilities. Oh I'm just so pleased isn't that wonderful...... ok enough, even I can't stand that level of sarcasm for too long..... oh and as everything is ok, they plan to see us next May 2008 and yearly after that.... umm did I miss something but did they not notice her date of birth...... we may have to see them next year but after that well I think they can go stuff themselves - sorry to those of a sensible disposition, but I couldn't really put what I wanted them to do really, I mean they do pass for human you know.

1 comment:

Shirl said...

Awwww aren't they sweet?....:0)

Congrats on LA report.