Friday, May 25, 2007

.... Earth Possibly...

You Are From Neptune

You are dreamy and mystical, with a natural psychic ability.
You love music, poetry, dance, and (most of all) the open sea.
Your soul is filled with possibilities, and your heart overflows with compassion.
You can be in a room full of friendly people and feel all alone.
If you don't get carried away with one idea, your spiritual nature will see you through anything.

..ah well it looks pretty there at least, still worrying how accurate some of that is. Not saying which bits are true tho'.....

As seen at Shirley's and Dotty Spots.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

It's official...

.... well from Tuesday the 29th it will be. I will be Self-Employed, now comes the moment of serious panic. I'd been putting it off for weeks, finding road blocks to hold things up. Which weren't road block at all, just me being scared, but you know what now it's all done - well apart from one phone call on Tuesday - I'm actually feeling quite calm about things..... almost... at the end of the day if it all goes pear shaped at least I will have tried.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

New members of the family & LA Report

Ok have been meaning to post pics of them for a while now so here goes.....

The Girls
Charlie & Sally

The Boys
Harry & Squeak

Harry, Squeak and Sally are all 5yrs, Charlie is 2yrs. Harry, Sally and Charlie are Standard Greys and Squeak is a Brown Velvet. Charlie is Harry and Sally's daughter.

Oops mustn't forget Sox, she's still not sure of the chinnys especially after they chased her round the living room the other day.... I would post a pic of the hammy but darn thing wouldn't stay put...

Oh and after our visit with the LA bod last Tuesday, we received our report from them in the post yesterday. I'm so so pleased our provision for Robynne has been deemed satisfactory and appropriate to her age and abilities. Oh I'm just so pleased isn't that wonderful...... ok enough, even I can't stand that level of sarcasm for too long..... oh and as everything is ok, they plan to see us next May 2008 and yearly after that.... umm did I miss something but did they not notice her date of birth...... we may have to see them next year but after that well I think they can go stuff themselves - sorry to those of a sensible disposition, but I couldn't really put what I wanted them to do really, I mean they do pass for human you know.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Well I had nothing better to do.....

....... or rather nothing better that I could be bothered to do lol....

Got this one from Shirley

You Would Choose Love

Money may buy a little happiness, but not the happiness of true love.

You rather have a true soulmate than a private jet.

And while many people may claim they would choose love too...

You're one of the few who would really do it.

..... very disappointing lol, I thought I was much more cynical than that..... Oh and while was there just ended up doing a few more of these..... I think they could be addictive.

Your Attitude is Better than 40% of the Population

You have a positive attitude... sometimes. You prefer to see the world through clear glasses, not rose colored ones.

.... 40%, that's good...... but I'm more grumpy than that honestly.... ask anyone....

You Are 16% Sociopath

You're empathetic, loyal, and introspective.
In other words, there's no way you're a sociopath... but you can spot one pretty easily!

.... oh I wanted to be a Sociopath or was that a Physcopath.... mmmmm - odd thing for you all, did the spell check thingy as wasn't sure if had spelt Physcopath right, so spell check thing showed it up red, ok I said it's spelt wrong.... but, instead of showing me how to spell it right the word that it wanted to replace it with was .... Facecloth....? strangely enough when I spelt facecloth wrong it didn't come up with Physcopath as a replacement.....

You are 60% Virgo

.... So if I was more tidy lol, I would be fully Virgo.... so can I change when I was born then so I fit into a more messy starsign...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

It's been a busy few days

First of we had a meeting with the LA bod on Tuesday morning, ooh I do hate those early mornings. Surprisingly things went ok, we had thought to cancel and send in a report, but with everything else that I had to get on with over the last couple of weeks. I really just didn't have the time, so maybe next time. Anyway we were a little apprehensive as we had heard that this guy thinks he knows everything, so we were unsure of how things would go. But surprisingly he was almost pleasant, tho' we shall see when the report comes through from him. He would have liked to see Robynne's work, so he could assess her progress.... tho' how he was intending to do that when he had nothing to compare it with. All in all he seemed quite pleased with how we were going along, tho' he did keep returning to our method of learning. I suppose being an ex headteacher, he must of despaired at our lack of timetable. Well if Robynne's working on something she's interested in, I find it far easier to let her carry on with it till she has worked through it.

On the business front we have added a spreadshirt shop to our website, and Robynne has been adapting some of her art and designs to go onto different items at the moment she has done some sweet baby items with a bear theme, and she's working on making her comic characters from our H.E mag tHE Sound big enough for T-Shirts etc.

We have also come up with a H.E design and were running competition in tHE Sound, the winners will then added to the shop. Which will then hopefully sell, well and that will give us some much needed money for resources and running costs not only for the magazine but for the H.E. group in general.

And then we have some general fashion items that may appeal to all ages.

We will still be having a shop area that will have many custom items for sale and a place for ordering custom items. But we haven't been able to sort that at the moment as for some bizarre reason our computer is showing almost all pictures as very large, very bright red area's. I suppose I could use the old computer. but well that would involve moving everything over and well it's just too much, especially as the old comp is so slow, tho' am hoping to get a laptop soon just for the business stuff, well that's what I'm telling Robynne it's for lol.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Umm well if your sure....

Erotic Thriller

You've made your own rules in life - and sometimes that catches up with you.
Winding a web of deceit comes naturally, and no one really knows the true you.

Your best movie matches: Swimming Pool, Unfaithful, The Crush

.....thanks to Shirley for this one lol.

So anyway have had a fairly productive week, well ok no I haven't but it sounded good didn't it? We managed to get our H.E mag out on time and all in one piece which I think is fairly productive, I made some hammocks for the chinchillas, which they seem to like, tho' still have a fair few other things I should have done, maybe tomorrow. We had a nice afternoon in the park today as well, well until it got chilly it's always great to hang out with the H.E group down here. Tomorrow evening were down the beach for a Beltane Celebration looking forward to that oh and here's a pic of one of our chinnys his names Squeak and he's oh so cute.

" Service Please"