Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm not worried honest...

.... honestly I'm not really, well ok maybe just a little.
Wondering at my worry or trepidation, no.......... well ok then but, I'm going to tell you anyway.

You see at the weekend I booked Robynne and myself our first HESFES holiday and well, seeing as how I'm not always good in situations where I don't know people I'm feeling just a little nervous. It's silly really I love camping and can't wait to get there, and I'm sure I'll meet lots of great people and hopefully people will not think me too odd lol. Robynne on the other hand is looking forward to going and hanging out with her friend and meeting lots of new people. But, she's a little worried about the camping side, being as she's only ever been with Scouts and she wasn't into that so well. Fingers crossed she'll come to love canvas as much as us - Andy(my brother) and me - as were planning on going to a few spots later in the year, we may even get our sister and her little boy to come with us.

All I need to do is get a few essentials before the time, like a tent lol... but I have one all picked out just need to go buy it.

Anyway really must get on with the next issue of tHE Sound as it's due out at the end of the week.

1 comment:

Thea said...

Thanks Julie, I do know a couple of other people going. But, not as well as I would like. I'm really starting to look forward to it, shall really love to get to know people from other area's etc. Also be nice to put faces to names. Shall look orward to meeting you too.